Recommended Resources

Readings about Lesson Study

Fernández, M. L. (2005). Exploring “lesson study” in teacher preparation. In H. L. Chick & J. L. Vincent (Eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 2). Melbourne, Australia: PME.

Lewis, C. (2002). Lesson study: A handbook of teacher-led instructional change. Philadelphia, PA: Research for Better Schools.

Lewis, C., & Hurd, J. (2011). Lesson study step by step: How teacher learning communities improve instruction. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. [DVD included]

Lewis, C., & Tsuchida, I. (1997). Planned educational change in Japan: The shift to student-centered elementary science. Journal of Education Policy, 12(5), 313-331.

Murphy, C. U., & Lick, D. W. (2005). Whole faculty study groups: Creating student-based professional development (3rd ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Stepanek, J., Appel, G., Leong, M., Mangan, M. T., & Mitchell, M. (2007). Leading lesson study: A practical guide for teachers and facilitators. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Research Projects that Queer Practice

Cullen, F. & Sandy, L. (2009). Lesbian Cinderella and other stories: Telling tales and researching sexualities equalities [sic] in primary school. Sex Education, 9(2), 141-154.

DePalma, R., & Atkinson, E. (Eds.). (2009). Interrogating heteronormativity in primary schools: The No Outsiders Project. Oakhill, VA: Trentham.

Gorski, P. C., Davis, S. N., & Reiter, A. (2013). An examination of the (in)visibility of sexual orientation, heterosexism, homophobia, and other LGBTQ concerns in U.S. multicultural teacher education coursework. Journal of LGBT Youth, 10, 224-248.

Kosciw, J. G., Greytak, E. A., Bartkiewicz, M. J., Boesen, M. J., & Palmer, N. A. (2012). The 2011 National School Climate Survey: The experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth in our nation’s schools. New York: GLSEN.

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